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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2020

Never underestimate an old man with a smoker shirt

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So far, you’ve got physical relaxation, Never underestimate an old man with a smoker shirt which diminishes stress, reduced judgment, allowing you to talk and behave however you want, and stimulation of the brain’s reward system, which makes you feel like something nice is about to happen. You’re not only drunk, you’re in the seventh heaven. It’s not over yet: another neurotransmitter tops the bill: opioids (or endorphins). The American martini – which consists of three ounces of gin and little else – feels particularly nice for a very simple reason. The faster the alcohol goes in, the more internal opiates get released. You and your new girlfriend decide to get inside. You’re around others you approve of, inhibitions are lowered, the parts of your brain that worry about stress and unpleasantness are suppressed, so everyone’s happy and interacting nicely. Mermaid sassy since birth salty by choice shirt I swing both ways violently with an axe shirt Diabetes I’m so sweet I need insulin...